Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011: Vision/Mission Statement!

Hi friends!

Wow, it's been a while, hey? December was a very challenging month for me on a personal level. I won't get into the nitty-gritty (because who needs all that baggage, right?), but I will tell you that I have missed you and this blog very much and I am glad to be back!

Every year at my birthday, I set my resolutions for the year, rather than doing them on January 1st. However, I do feel like I should be setting some intentions for the year this year, so I set out to write a vision statement for 2011 (which is pronounced twenty-eleven in my house, if you're wondering).

So, here's what 2011 is going to bring for me!

I am going to increase my personal shopping and styling clientele 100%. You guys that is a big number. But I am totally going to do it!

I am going to post regularly here. There are a lot of uncertain things in my life right now, but the blog seems to ground me, so I am going to do that in a very real way.

I am going to work my butt off to do the whole Inbox 0 thing. This terrifies me!

I am challenging myself to do one new healthy thing in my life every two weeks. On the short list is cut out cream and sugar in my coffee, go 100% vegan (except for very special occasions), start running again, and incorporate resistance training into my life to a certain degree. I also really want a little trampoline for my living room!

I am going to finish one book a week. I have a massive pile of stuff on my desk that I want to get through first, including Timothy Ferriss' The Four-Hour Body, Mike Dooley's Manifesting Change, and an Isabel Allende book that I borrowed from a friend ages ago!

I am going to work more on the Radical Self Love initiative that I've started but that has somewhat fallen by the wayside in the last couple of months. When was the last time I took a bath in my tiara, I ask you?!

I am going to spend more time nurturing my friendships and less time worrying about my love life! To that end, I am going to no longer have non-reciprocal relationships of any kind. I find I tend to stick my neck out so many times and then I get slaughtered emotionally and I crawl back into my methods of "NO ONE IS GOING TO TAKE CARE OF YOU BUT YOU". I think if I am simply more careful with the initial relationship selection process I'll be just fine!

I will have the organised home of my dreams!

All the while, I intend to live my life while respecting myself and my core values. There are a few other little things that I've written down but that are kind of private for now!

What about you? What are you going to do with your 2011? Tell me in the comments!


  1. Eat better, lose some weight, be more positive, work hard, love others. Those are mine! DC <3

  2. Woah! "New Year's resolutions should be small and acheivable", a wise friend recently posted on Facebook. I am stressed out just reading your entry *deep breath*. I read a lot a lot a lot, and I can tell you that one book per week is not reasonable. You'll want to savour that Allende, trust me. Reeeelax.
    Since last year, I have come up with a theme for the year. This year is all about focusing on one of the types of dancing that I do... small, acheivable.

  3. I don't think people fail in their New Year's resolutions because they aren't sufficiently small and achievable, but because they haven't been pursued with a plan and a system of sub-goals designed to help one realize them. A goal like running a marathon is huge and daunting, and could easily take years, but it is eminently reasonable if you break it down into starting off with training to do a 5k, then a 10k, then a half-marathon, etc., and being patient with yourself and rewarding yourself for meeting those targets.

    I read a book a week easily if the book is enjoyable. I might be a wee bit sad when great books are finished, but I cannot see how reading more slowly would help me enjoy them more. I can't masticate a page over and over again like I could a bit of delicious food. There's a point past which you've digested the writer's thoughts and yearn to move forwards.
